Hybrid Type Comparison

Why choose one great silage characteristic when you can have them all?

Many silage products boast only one quality of the plant, such as fi ber digestibility, grain yield or kernel type. Chances are that the other characteristics of these hybrids were bred for grain. The best silage products have been bred to achieve total plant silage qualities. Expect more from your silage crop.

Leafy Leafy-Floury
Hybrid Type Comparison фото 1 UniverseedStrong Agronomics
Hybrid Type Comparison фото 2 UniverseedHigh Total Plant Yield
Hybrid Type Comparison фото 3 UniverseedLong Harvest Window
Hybrid Type Comparison фото 4 UniverseedShort Storage Period
Hybrid Type Comparison фото 5 UniverseedRation Type Adaptability
Hybrid Type Comparison фото 6 UniverseedExcellent Feed Quality
Hybrid Type Comparison фото 7 UniverseedHigh Fiber Digestibility
Hybrid Type Comparison фото 8 UniverseedHigh Starch Content
Hybrid Type Comparison фото 9 UniverseedHigh Starch Digestibility
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Vitreous Flint
Modern Grain
Floury Leafy
LEFT: Dual purpose hybrids have a modern grain type kernel with more vitreous starch, while Leafy and Floury Leafy Corn Silage Hybrids have more fl oury kernel types.
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Small particle size

Floury kernels fracture easily into small particles during silage chopping, allowing for a shortened storage period. After chewing, the starch is readily digested and available as energy for milk production.

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Long rumen retention

Nutritionists believe that fl oury starch particles are more buoyant in the rumen and fl oat to stay in the rumen mat for an extended digestion period resulting in increased milk production potential.

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High energy starch

The small starch particles off er more surface area to rumen bugs for a boost in digestibility. This increase in energy in the corn silage allows for a reduction of concentrate corn in the ration.

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Ration-type adaptability

Floury Leafy Corn Silage Hybrids are versatile. They can be balanced into various rations types to meet the nutritional needs of your heifers, transition cows, early and late lactation cows and dry cows.

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High quality milk

Floury Leafy Corn Silage Hybrids have an increased potential to produce milk with high fat content. They do not require heavy kernel processing during harvest to reduce starch particle size, so fi ber particles can remain large enough to act as eff ective fi ber. This promotes normal rumination and saliva production, which plays an important role in protection from acidosis and increases milk fat content.

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Vitreous and fl oury kernels on a light table. Vitreous kernels transmit light while fl oury kernels are opaque.

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